Holy Week & Easter 2025 at Christ’s Church
Saturday, April 5
10:00am - Noon Holy Week Experience for Children
So much of Holy Week and Easter is lost on our children because the liturgies can be “too big” for them. This program will take children through a 30 --minute experiential program that will immerse them in the excitement, drama and joy of the week we call Holy. I’ve narrated this program many times for children (and parents who are welcome to watch) and it is always moving for all. Ideally, twelve children will participate in each “walk” and so advance registration will be very helpful. Please use this link to register. This program is best for children five – eleven years old but we have some flexibility to include younger children if a parent accompanies. Children will create a special Easter altar frontal before and after their “walk.” We’ll conclude by noon. Friends are welcome to join us (please include in your registration). This program typically occurs on the Saturday before Palm Sunday (April 12), but this year it falls during spring break. So, we moved it up a week to April 5. Join us!
Worship Schedule
All our services will take place in the Church unless specified otherwise. They can also be viewed on our Livestream,
Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday
8:00am Spoken Palm Sunday Liturgy
10:00am Palm Sunday Liturgy with music and procession (begins in the Parish hall)
The Triduum
Triduum is Latin for “three days.” In the Christian church, Triduum refers to the last days of Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil. These three sacred days offer the church’s most dramatic and beautiful worship services in preparation for the great feast of Easter. The church considers the Triduum to be one continual act of worship which is why the congregation is not formally dismissed until the end of the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. During the Triduum, we shift from our Palm Sunday orientation of observation to more intentional acts of participation in Jesus’ last three days of earthly life.
Thursday, April 17, Maundy Thursday
7:00pm The Liturgy for Maundy Thursday
Followed by Nightwatch
Friday, April 18, Good Friday
7:00pm The Liturgy for Good Friday
Saturday, April 19, Holy Saturday
7:00 pm The Great Vigil of Easter
Sunday, April 20, The Feast of the Resurrection: Easter Day
9:00am Rite II Worship for Easter with music & choirs
(10am Easter Egg Hunt- see below)
11;00am Rite II Worship for Easter with music & choir
Christ's Church will be having its Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 20 at 10 am! There will be two separate hunts going on at the same time. The front lawn along Rectory Street will be reserved for children 6 and under. Older children will be in the Columbarium Garden (where our Grace in the Garden services is held). All children will be supervised by Tyler James and teen volunteers. Please limit your child to 10 eggs so there will be enough for everyone. When you are finished, if you would like to empty the candy into your baskets and return the plastic eggs, we will recycle them for next year! All of the candy provided is nut free. Baskets for the eggs and bags for the candy will be provided.
All of our livestreamed services may be found here: