Special Services
It’s not just for babies! One of the Episcopal Church’s two main sacraments (the other is Holy Eucharist), baptism marks our initiation into the life of Christian faith at any age. The service is customarily held at our primary Sunday morning service in the presence of the whole congregation. Preparation class is required for parents and godparents
If you are interested in a baptism (for any age!), please contact the rector at kmalin@ccrye.org.
Each year, Christ’s Church offers a Confirmation class for eighth-graders. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place each spring at Christ’s Church with one of our bishops celebrating. who commit to asking questions about God, exploring the Christian faith and the Episcopal tradition of worship in a communal setting. Classes meet twice monthly on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm for structured prayer, study and fun. Additional activities include Sunday services, an annual overnight retreat, groups hikes, service projects, shared meals and games.
For more information, contact Mary McCarthy at mmccarthy@ccrye.org.
The sacrament of Holy Matrimony binds two people in a lifelong union through vows made before God and the Church. If you would like more information about getting married at Christ’s Church, please email office@ccrye.org.
Christians believe that those who die enter a larger life through Christ and are gathered into the care and keeping of God. Our rites of burial offer friends and family the ability to come together in prayer to celebrate the life of a loved one, acknowledging faith and hope in the midst of grief and loss. For more information about burial options at Christ’s Church, email office@ccrye.org.