Clergy and Staff
The Rev. Janet Vincent
Interim Rector
Interim Rector: The Reverend Janet Vincent, email
Assisting Priest: The Reverend Jen Brown, email
Deacon: The Reverend Deacon Danelie Millien, email
Bookkeeper: Vickie Cox, email
Director of Music: Dr. Evelyn DeGraf, email
Director of Christ's Church Nursery School: Ann Hirsch, email
Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator: Tyler James, email
Parish Administrator: Jannine Moran, email
Verger: Crispian Thorne, email
Assistant Verger: June Thorne, email
Rector Emerita: The Reverend Canon Susan C. Harriss
Rector Emeritus: The Reverend Edward Johnston
Broad staff areas of responsibility are listed below,
but if you are unsure who to contact about something, when in doubt: email Jannine
and she will make sure your email gets to the right person.
Building Logistics, Repairs - Cris
Office Supplies, General Inquiries - Jannine
Security - Cris, June
Annual Report - Jannine
Baptism, Funeral, Newcomer, Wedding Inquiries - Jannine
Breeze - Jannine
Church Calendar - Jannine
Digital Print/Media, Newsletter, Flyers - June
Eblast/ATF - June
Outside Organization Contact - Jannine
Parochial Report - Jannine
Pastoral Care - Janet/Jen
Prayers of the People - June
Programming/Registrations - Jannine
Website - Cris, June
Capital Campaign - Vickie
Check Request - Vickie
Columbarium - Vickie
Stewardship/Donations - Vickie
Memorial Flowers - Vickie
Tax Exempt - Vickie
Cherubs, Chorister, Choir - Evi
Concerts - Evi
Music for All Service Planning - Evi
IT - Cris, June
Email, Mailchimp - June
Acolytes - Tyler
Altar Guild - Cris
Chalice Bearers -
Lectors/Intercessors - June
Liturgical - Janet
Service Bulletin - Cris
Ushers - Jannine
Blue Skies - Tyler
CCNS - Ann
Confirmation/Pre-Confirmation - Tyler
Middle School and High School Youth Group - Tyler
Sunday School - Tyler
Youth Grantmaking Board - Tyler
The hours the Church Staff work tend to vary with the needs of the services we are planning and the liturgical season,
but the table below will give you a rough idea of when you can expect to be able to reach them and expect a reply: