Many Ways to Serve - Lend your Talents and Share your Gifts!
Our Christ's Church family is a vibrant community, and we rely on generous hearts and hands of our members to make it thrive. We are seeking volunteers to help us serve our Parish. There are many ways to get involved and work within your schedule. No experience necessary and training will be provided. If you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities listed below, please email Jannine at jmoran@ccrye.org.
Acolyte - assists during worship services by carrying the light of Christ and helping to set the tone for sacred moments in the liturgy .
Altar Guild - a group of parishioners whose task is, "All Things Altar" whose primary responsibilities include the decorating of the altar and serving in the preparation of special services and needs of the day.
Chalice Bearer - receives the elements of bread and wine at the altar, and helps administer the chalice during the Eucharist.
Lector/Intercessor - reads scripture and prayer aloud during services.
Usher - help greet and seat parishioners and pass out bulletins before services.
Parish Life - help organize Church events and coffee hour.
Choir members bring song to our spiritual feast. If you like to sing, there is a place for you in our Christ’s Church music program.