Community Partners
Christ’s Church is currently partnering with several brilliant organizations that meet all manner of needs in our local community.
Meals on Main Street (formerly Caritas)
Meals on Main Street has been serving meals to Port Chester community members since 1995 and aims to eliminate food insecurity in Port Chester by 2023. For more information, contact Deacon Bill Cusano, info@caritaspc.org.
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison
Despite the evidence that higher education decreases recidivism, in 1994 Congress and New York State abolished college financial aid for incarcerated students. Hudson Link was formed soon after by Sing Sing inmates, college educators, and community volunteers and now links five prisons with eight colleges. For more information, contact Bruce Macleod, bmacskye@yahoo.com.
Port Chester Immigrant Defense
Working to educate, empower and assist immigrants in the Village of Port Chester, NY. You can learn more on their Facebook page or by contacting Beverley Sherrid, mrssherrid@gmail.com.
Outreach Partners
Kairos Outside NYC
Kairos, meaning “God’s Special Time,” is an international organization that operates in over 300 state and federal correctional facilities, county jails and offender programs in the USA and over 200 overseas locations. This mission of our chapter is to demonstrate God’s grace and love through Christian support for women residing in New York City and surrounding areas whose lives have been affected by the incarceration of a relative or friend.
Homefront is a community-based, volunteer-driven home repair program that provides free repairs to low-income homeowners, thus enabling them to remain in their homes with an improved quality of life. Contact Holly Hartman, hartman.holly23@gmail.com.
5 Steps to Five
5 Steps to Five coaches parents in Port Chester on ways to help their children beginning from birth to prepare cognitively, verbally, emotionally, physically and socially for success in Head Start, Kindergarten, and ultimately, in life. Contact Lisa Field, lpfield@5stepstofive.org.
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors” to live safely, confidently and with dignity in the homes and communities they love. Contact Barbara Brunner, barbaralbrunner@hotmail.com.
Helping Hands
For over 25 years, Helping Hands has purchased and donated food, clothing, and school supplies and makes cash grants to organizations for distribution to those in need.
Are you serving with another local organization? Email us at office@ccrye.org and we will add it to this list.
A Prayer for the Common Good
Almighty God our heavenly Father, you declare your glory and show forth your handiwork in the heavens and in the earth: Deliver us in our various occupations from the service of self alone, that we may do the work you give us to do in truth and beauty and for the common good; for the sake of him who came among us as one who serves, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.