The 2024 Youth Grantmaking Board (YGB) Announces Funding Opportunity in Port Chester
Gracias por su interés en esta oportunidad. Nuestro grupo tiene miembros bilingües. Por favor, póngase
en contacto con el YGB si tiene alguna pregunta o duda sobre la solicitud. Aceptamos propuestas en
español. Nuestro email es
About the Youth Grantmaking Board (YGB)
The Youth Grantmaking Board was founded in 2021 at Christ’s Church Rye and is now in its fourth year. The YGB is an opportunity for highschoolers to learn more about grantmaking and to have a voice in their own community. “We are a group of students living in Westchester County whose goal is to better the community of Port Chester. Our board conducted a needs assessment which allowed us to collect feedback from people in the community. We learned first hand about different problems that are most prevalent in Port Chester. Then we presented what we found to each other and chose funding priorities that we could have an impact on.”
2024 Grants
Our main objective is to make grants to assist organizations that help address major needs in the community of Port Chester. Any not for profit organization serving Port Chester residents is welcome to apply for a grant. Our funding priorities are ESL Enrichment and Extracurricular Activities, though we welcome proposals for any project that meets the needs of Port Chester residents. The YGB will award $10,000 in grants this cycle. The maximum grant award is $6,000.
Key Dates for Applicants and Grantees
Monday, June 3 , 2024 at 5:00pm: Proposals for funding due via online form
Thursday, June 27, 2024: Site visits with applicants (either in-person at applicants’ location or in Rye, as indicated on application and mutually agreed upon) The Youth Grantmaking Board is a program of Christ’s Church Rye. Learn more at
Friday, June 28, 2024: Grantees notified of awards via phone call; email notifications sent to all applicants
Wednesday, July 3, 2024: Signed grant agreements due and checks mailed
Thursday, October 3, 2024: Site visits via Zoom with grantees
Tuesday, October 15, 2024: Funded projects conclude; final report due
Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 3:00pm: In-person reception at Christ’s Church to celebrate the work of grantees and board members
Individuals or groups of individuals are welcome to apply for mini grants of up to
$500, with or without fiscal sponsorship.
Religious organizations are eligible to apply (must help the broader community).
Proposals will be funded in part or full as long as efforts can be made with partial funding.
Organizations that received funding from the YGB in the past are eligible to apply again, as well as those who applied before and were declined.
Applications are accepted in English and Spanish.
Our application form is a Google Form. It will ask you to log in with a Google account so that you can receive a copy of your application.
Any questions about this grant opportunity or about the Youth Grantmaking Board
in general may be sent to
Apply here or submit your proposal for funding online at
by Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Can we apply in Spanish too?
Yes! We believe in language justice and would be happy to make the application process available to you in Spanish. Just ask!
Sí! Nosotros creemos en la justicia de lenguaje. Infórmenos si usted prefiere hacer el proceso en español.
What are mini grants for individuals?
Most of our applicants are usually non-profit organizations, but we understand that individuals and groups of individuals also do awesome work to serve their community. If you want to paint a mural, host an event, raise awareness, or do any other project to create a positive impact in Port Chester, please consider applying for a $500 mini grant from us to make it happen!
What’s the best way to fill out the application?
Click the link and it will take you to our online form. Since you can’t save your answers in the form, we suggest that you work in a separate document and come back when you’re done to paste in your answers.
My project doesn’t fit exactly within your funding priorities. Should I still apply?
Yes! We require that our grantees serve residents of Port Chester. We are prioritizing projects that focus on addressing food security and literacy/education, so you might think about how you could incorporate those goals into what you’re doing. However, we are excited to read applications from anyone creating positive impact in the community of Port Chester!
I am working on something awesome in Port Chester, but grant writing is new to me. Can you help me?
Yes! Grantmaking is new to most of our board members as well. Contact us and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have and walk you through the application.

Let’s talk.
2 Rectory Street
Rye, NY 10580