COVID Precautions
Please review the following requirements for attending all events at the church.
We will review and update them regularly and ask that you check your weekly newsletter for any changes.
Christ’s Church expects that anyone present for any in-person activity, indoors or outdoors, follows New York State guidelines on Covid-19 regarding travel, testing, distancing, and quarantines.
Vaccination Status
Christ’s Church and the Christ’s Church Nursery School require all clergy and staff members to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
We strongly urge every eligible person in our community to be vaccinated as soon as possible.
Christ’s Church will require that all those who participate in the following in-person ministries be fully vaccinated:
Leading worship and preaching
Serving as an usher or lector/reader
Participating in Choir
Teaching Sunday School or Confirmation
Christ’s Church no longer requires the wearing of masks for indoor worship and indoor events.
We do however understand that some may be still be more comfortable continuing to use them, so we ask that everyone is respectful and understanding of others.
Social Distancing
All persons are encouraged to maintain social distance from others, both inside and outside, whenever those who might not be fully vaccinated are present.
If you aren’t fully vaccinated, or you aren’t sure if a person is fully vaccinated, please keep 6 feet distance.
We will no longer require reservations, a waiver or assigned seats.
NOTE: Definition of “Fully Vaccinated”
People are fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or two weeks after receiving a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).
Unvaccinated people refers to individuals of all ages, including children, who have not completed a vaccination series or received a single-dose vaccine. “I had COVID,” or “I tested positive for antibodies,” or “I’ve had one dose” does NOT mean you are fully vaccinated.
Prefer to worship virtually?
Our 8am and 10am Sunday services are livestreamed, and you can also access our archives on YouTube.
A Prayer for Protection
Blessed are all thy Saints, O God and King, who have travelled over the tempestuous sea of this mortal life, and have made the harbor of peace and felicity. Watch over us who are still in our dangerous voyage; and remember such as lie exposed to the rough storms of trouble and temptations. Frail is our vessel, and the ocean is wide; but as in thy mercy thou hast set our course, so steer the vessel of our life toward the everlasting shore of peace, and bring us at length to the quiet haven of our heart’s desire, where thou, O our God, are blessed, and livest and reignest for ever and ever.
— St. Augustine, 354-430