Christ’s Church is…
A spirited community of beginners and believers growing in faith together through Jesus Christ. Everyone is invited! All you need to do is step through the door (or click on the links) to be warmly welcomed, Everything we do and believe begins in how we worship. regardless of where (or whether) you’ve gone to church in the past. We are here to nourish and strengthen those familiar with our traditions, and to offer genuine hospitality and sanctuary to those who are not.
To learn more about our life and ministries at Christ’s Church, and how we live our Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition, please explore this website. Our clergy and staff are eager to meet you. Just call or email the church office to arrange a time to speak with one of us: 914-967-1749 or office@ccrye.org.
You are always welcome to join us for our lively worship services, no matter where you are on your journey towards God. Learn more about worship at Christ’s Church.
We offer opportunities for learning and spiritual growth for people of all ages, both online and in-person.
We deepen our relationship with God, and with each other, through what we do, not just what we believe. Learn more about service through Christ’s Church.
Come, let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and raise a loud shout to him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
— Psalm 95